The Indian Soldier by Sushant Saini(Review)

 Book Name : The Indian Soldier : A Story of Faith
Author: Sushant Saini
Genre: Patriotic , fiction
Format: Paperback , Knidle(eBook)
Language : English
Available on : Amazon , Flipkart
MRP : ₹249
Publication: Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd 
Pages: 247
Suitable for: All aged

Concept: This is a story of an Indian solider who left his secured IIT career to serve his country. He goes through a various ups and down and finally became an Army officer. His contribution in his first mission unknowingly selected him for a special secret service. He trained there with advanced technology and finally reserve his seat there. He accomplished almost 200 mission with his team. But sudden death of his three best ever friends hurt him and he decided to left army. All on a sudden, a group of terrorist hijack an aircraft with more than 200 passenger and hid it in a ISIS controlled airport in Syria. Arjun was forced by situation to take the charge of this dangerous rescue operation. During the rescue he got 4 bullet in his body.
Does he succeed in his mission? or Is he alive after the ending of the mission ? What happened with the terrorists?
Read the full story to know these interesting facts.

In-depth Review:

This book have a total of 26 chapter.
  1. Chapter 1: The book started within very simple common dramatic situation of a every house, you can find some matching with your childhood days with this. Arjun who never wanted to be an IIT-ian, luckily got a chance to get into there. He instead badly wanted to see himself as an army to serve the nation such that he had given his army exam without any consent of his family.  That's why he got shocked when he heard he had cracked the exam as he is not prepared for this situation.
  2. Chapter 2: While his fellow friends are busy to celebrate his success, he got busy to find how he could crack the exam. Most surprisingly his father got the news before he gives it and he arranged the celebration party for his son's success. At this crazy situation, Arjun found a mail of his job confirmation in Indian Army.
  3. Chapter 3: Arjun get confused between his and his parents dream. One side there is chance of securing better and comfortable life in future and risky life in another. He thought to occupy his space through his grandmother but she is also not ready to accept army job.
  4. Chapter 4:  With lot of confusion in mind Arjun finally  told his parents and grandma that he wanted to be in army, not in the IIT.  With his utter surprises his whole family, even his all relatives, everyone appreciate his thinking and it's finally decided that he will go into the army.
  5. Chapter 5: Arjun family came to see off Arjun in the NDA camp. There journey was very joyous because of his grandmother. In camp he meet person named Avijit Ghosh who made him fool badly.
  6. Chapter 6: The ragging of India camp began started by AG. But this is really very important chapter because through this chapter Arjun gained a lot of knowledge about NDA inside. At last Arjun get three friends Manu, Yawar and David.
  7. Chapter 7: Unfortunately Arjun was assigned to AG for overstudy . Fresher’s get tortured by the names of PT with the senior batch. At the end of the day, Arjun found that the food of the camp is really appreciable.
  8. Chapter 8: Things getting changed from this chapter. Arjun got hospitality from senior that he never expected after his fallout on boxing.
  9. Chapter 9: Things getting worst for Arjun in various fields like boxing, running and jumping and he lost his concentration. Finally he decided to leave the army.
  10. Chapter 10: It tells the comeback of Arjun. His grandmother advice 'instead of focusing others, he should focused on himself' and AG's help really works. It is a very inspirational lesson for everyone.
  11. Chapter 11: Describe the tour of 4 friends Arjun David year and Monu to Delhi at Manu's house and later Arjun's house at Nodia. They enjoyed both the tour. Arjun parents arrange another party to celebrate Arjun journey in army.
  12. Chapter 12: The next visit wire Kochi, David's village. They enjoy their simple village journey and moved for Goa. They consider it as their best ever time. Now they turned for Yawar house Mumbai and surprise to see how rich is he. After enjoying luxurious life in Mumbai they went back to the academy.
  13. Chapter 13: Their training at NDA comes to an end, Arjun was posted in Nagaland. Now their team has to face a terrorist attack. They finally freed the area from terrorist by Arjun's plan and his bravery decision.
  14. Chapter 14:  For the bravery movement of Arjun and one of the Sniper, Gurmeet from the team was selected for a special military training.
  15. Chapter 15: it was a special secret training program that is hidden from everyone eyesight. All the officers were introduced to the advance future technology.
  16. Chapter 16: The training was done by world most advance technology controlled by a group of expert and lot of sensor. For the last six month their mind was trained in such a way that they willing to give 200% of their physical strength. Only 6 of they were selected and Arjun was one of them.
  17. Chapter 17: After doing almost 200 operation now it's time for Arjun to get back from that team for which he already got a got a lot of bullets in various parts of his body. Colonel arrange his posting in such a way that he could meet with his old friend. But they never know that this could bring a misfortune for all of them. A sudden terror attack at mall killed at lot and Manu, David,Yawar fought bravely but killed by counter attack.
  18. Chapter 18: Arjun can't forgive himself as he was not with their friends at the time of attack. Situation got bitterer when a TV anchor blindly blamed Yawar for the attack.
  19. Chapter 19: In this chapter we observe the dirty tactics on media to increase their TRP. When it is time to show that there was no connection between the terrorist with Yawar, the whole media house become silent and followed another news. At the end, Arjun prepared himself to stay in USA.
  20. Chapter 20: After serving country almost 10 years and he is ready for USA but suddenly something caught his eyes. It was a plane hijacking. The kernel called origin to attend the rescue operation but Arjun was so much frustrated about the riots between religion and decided not to to go with the mission.
  21. Chapter 21: Arjun visualise his grandmother in his dream at this night who told him very inspirational story and advice to call all the family of his three friends to know about their sacrifice. Arjun was really surprised when he knew some unknown unfortunate situation of brotherly friend decided to go with the mission.
  22. Chapter 22: To accomplish the mission they initiate a lot of plan with the help of Arjun's old team. They successfully traced the location of the Hijacked plane and found that ISIS is linked with them. Meantime the terrorist group demanding one of their criminals who are barred into a custody and try to make a civil war between Hindus and Muslims.
  23. Chapter 23: They started their journey towards Syria with the help of United States and a lot of advanced technology. Though it seems to difficult to initiate their plan but Arjun make it possible & they finally got into the plane.
  24. Chapter 24: Finally the plane got freed from the terrorist but meanwhile Arjun got attacked badly by one of them in the cockpit. Cynthia started the craft and it was covered by a lot of helicopter from various countries. By the time they got the news that their mission was accomplished & the terrorist got barred again. But the health condition of Arjun getting worst.
  25. Chapter 25 : Again Arjun see dream of hell and heaven which is three best friend and grandmothers present but suddenly he woke up almost after 15 days in, and realise that is alive.  
  26. Chapter 26: Arjun found almost thousands of people are eagerly waiting in front of the hospital for praying his wellness. Finally he got well and meet with beautiful voice of Reshmi, the name he already heard from his grandmothers previously. With a smile in Arjun's face and shy in Reshmi the story got a sweet end.

Recomendation : Every Indian should read this to know how brave of their army are . If the book is read by any army personal , he could really co-relate all those emotions that flows over the story .

Criticism :
The book starts with a very interesting day to day normal life incident but suddenly after few chapter it lost it’s flow with some over describe situation. But the author successfully draw reader attention from chapter 13. Every situation like Attack in Mall , Hijacking a Plane ete somehow connect some real incident , that make it more realistic and become it’s USP. Chapter 10 Is the most important portion of this story. It tells how to overcome failure. Pages 190-191 should be read by each of us carefully as it describe how the countrymen become ememy of each other by the name of religion. Everybody should learn a lesson and share this to another. Everybody know to tell such a realistic story, a author need to well research about those facts. But here the Chapter 15-16 are too much fictionalized that very hard to believe. Overall it touch the reader heart.

My Ratings:
Overall - 4.5/5
Title - 5/5
Cover – 4.1/5
Language - 5/5
Concept – 3.9/5



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